Black Hills Escape Rooms Hall of Records

Treasure in the Hall of Records?

Black Hills Escape Rooms Hall of Records

We enter Gutzom Borglum's studio in the early 30's during the depression.  Borglum is  high ranking in the freemason society. The freemasons  trace their origins to the ancient guilds of the stonemasons. The stonemasons were responsible for building the Egyptian, Incan and Mayan pyramids as well as stuctures like the Taj Mahal. The masons employed slave labor, but they themselves were rewarded handsomely in gold and jewels.

Is the conspiracy true that the freemasons have been hiding the stonemason's treasure for millennia and did Borglum build the hall of records to house such a fortune? At the time of construction he knew the government wasn't going to give him the Constitution and Declaration of independence so just why did he continue and  build the hall of records.

It is up to you to see if he has laid a trail for future masons to follow to uncover the hidden treasures!